Team Spurs English (7th)

Welcome to Team Spurs English!  Pertinent information about our English class has been shared with you through our English Orientation.  
Please remember that each student must take two (2) Reading Counts quizzes each quarter by the posted deadlines.  Books are read as a homework and RELAX assignment.  Quizzes are taken during RELAX, at lunch and after school in room 102 only with Mrs. Meadows present.  The quiz schedule is posted on my classroom window and also at the front of the classroom.  Please remember that weekly Reading Response Logs (RRL) that you have as homework are meant to help you prepare and review for your quizzes.  
Q1 deadlines are:
RC1 due 9/11
RC2 due 10/16
Q2 deadlnes are :
RC1 due 11/13
RC2 due 12/17