Mrs. Summer Flaherty » Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

English FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

Q: How can I find out what the class policies and procedures are (like what the make-up work policy is, how to make up tests and quizzes, etc.) for Mrs. Flaherty's classes?

Please see the class syllabus which answers all of these types of questions. You may also e-mail me with any specific questions you have about the policies and procedures in the syllabus at [email protected].

Q: Are there any extra credit opportunities in Mrs. Flaherty's class to improve class grades?

Occasionally, I do offer extra credit assignments, but I don't offer them very often because I prefer students try their best on their regular class assignments, projects, tests and quizzes, etc. first. If I ever offer an extra credit assignment, I will post information about it on either the Important Dates to Remember page, the English Class page and/or Google Classroom. Something students can always do for extra credit though is fix assignments and/or take extra tests or do extra book reports/projects (one extra per quarter).

Q: If I want to request a parent-teacher conference, what do I need to do?

If you would like to set up a parent-teacher conference with myself or any of your teachers, all you need to do is e-mail and/or call your counselor. They will notify us that you want a conference and they will also set up a time and day with you to meet that fits everyone's schedule. Of course, if you just have a quick question to ask myself or any of your teachers, it is better to e-mail or call us directly for an answer.

Q: If I want to donate something to Mrs. Flaherty's classroom, what can I donate?

If you would like to donate something to myself and / or my classroom, you can donate things like: tissue boxes, markers, crayons, pens, pencils, colored construction paper, plain white posters, small and large dry erase markers, educational DVD's (they can be related specifically to the English language or about different cultures/ stories, etc.), books or book store gift cards, etc. Of course, you can always contact me if you have something else in mind that you want to donate other than what is listed here, and thank you in advance for your donation!