Teacher Resources

Teacher Resources

Library Schedule

Email Mrs. Fulleman to schedule time in the library 
New!  Additional free educational streaming videos from PBS
Create your teacher account or sign in at this link!  https://video.alexanderstreet.com/user     



The databases above are resources for our faculty - See the list of passwords for UN and PWs when you are

Discovery Streaming Video Subscription - Teachers create their own account at:

Email Mrs. Fulleman for the school passcode to set up an account.
Terms of use:  You may edit any of the teacher resources as long as you include this phrase: 
"Revised with the permission of Discovery Education. Discovery Education is not responsible for the content or accuracy of the revision."
You may download the videos as long as you only post them within a password protected area for our students as licensed users such as Google Classroom (NOT on your teacher website which is accessible to anyone).
Teaching Books
https://www.teachingbooks.net/  If prompted for UN and PW when off campus, login credentials are posted on the HUB and the link above.  Teaching Books has these resources:
Meet authors and illustrators with exclusive movies and recordings
Experience 19,304 read-along audiobook performances
Hear authors pronounce and tell the stories of their names
Enjoy 2,878 complete book readings
Explore book trailers, Meet-the-Author recordings, and more
Support assignments about books and author studies
Find the right book for you (Reader's Advisory)
E-book Central - Use for Professional development and literature books in all content areas
Teachers may create their own username and password for access.  Click on log in and then select the option to "create account."
Google Classroom Help
Google Classroom Tutorials - YouTube link for an entire playlist explaining Google Classroom step-by-step

Google Drawing teaching tools

Institute of Education Sciences; professional development research articles 


SV Staff may obtain a free SCILNet card for borrowing from the SCV libraries listed below.   See Mrs. Fulleman for details. 

The Santa Clarita Interlibrary Network (SCILNet) was established on January 2, 1989.  The purpose of this association is to improve the quality of library service to the citizens of Santa Clarita and its environs through interlibrary cooperation.  All of the school libraries in the William S. Hart School District are part of SCILNet.  The other libraries of this association are listed below with links to their home pages.  

City of Santa Clarita Public Libraries
College of the Canyons Library

The Master's College Library

Cal Arts University Library


Teacher E-Resources for Lesson Plans

1. Here's a great way to make worksheets work for your class so you can upload them to Google Classroom or other class platforms

 2. Here are some great review game ideas in addition to Kahoot 


3. http://en.community.epals.com/epals_cares/default.aspx/ - Provides a means for schools to develop a virutal exchange as well as provides ideas for project based activities & games
4. https://www.newsela.com/ - Provides news articles with three different lexile levels with the same content.
5. http://poetry.about.com/od/poeticforms/a/fibonaccipoems.htm - math is a global language; can observe mathematical patterns in nature and use that pattern in poetry  
7. http://newspapermap.com Use a global map to view newspapers from around the world
8. http://htwins.net/scale2/ Fun site for science and exponential mathematics - shows life/objects in a scale comparison from small to large
10. http://www.edutopia.org Has differentiated resources by grade level; can connect with other educators; read educators' articles/blogs
11. https://www.google.com/culturalinstitute/project/art-project - Explore art, architecture, historical, and even scientific sites in close detail
13. http://www.cnn.com/studentnews/?iref=allsearch Has media messages with the Media Literacy Question of the Day. Practice listening skills, promotes global awareness.
14. http://education.nationalgeographic.com/education/?ar_a=1 - Lesson plans and free online educational games/activities
16.  https://geoguessr.com/ This is a game where students guess the world locale, based upon a given image.
18. http://www.digitalwish.com/dw/digitalwish/view_lesson_plans?utm_source=memberblast&utm_medium=email&utm_content=AboutLessonPlan_Link&utm_campaign=SpecialRequestsBlast Digital Wish Lesson plans for every content area
19. http://www.ala.org/aasl/sites/ala.org.aasl/files/content/conferencesandevents/ecollab/lpd/DiscoveringReferenceResources.pdf - Teacher Librarian lesson plans
20.  https://foundation.mozilla.org/en/initiatives/web-literacy/ - Mozilla's Web Literacy online lesson plans
21. https://www.sciencejournalforkids.org/  Peer reviewed science articles for kids with teacher resources. No sign up required.


The links provided to sites outside the District are not under the control of the Hart District or its schools or teachers. Teachers do not endorse any sites other than their own. Internet sites change quickly and without notice. Links are provided only as a convenience to you.